The thing about non-linear timelines is I always want to piece them together like a jigsaw puzzle. So here's what I've got so far, these events aren't necessarily linear and some might happen at the same time but idk:

  • Great and Tyme meet as kids, Tyme parents are part of the gambling ring. They are killed off by Fasai's father.
  • Probably around the same time Tonkla's Dad kills his cat.
  • Tonkla meets Korn at university, they become a couple.
  • Tonkla kills his Dad (not sure if this happens before or after hooking up with Korn).
  • Fast Forward
  • Korn takes over the gambling business
  • Great hits Manee
  • Korn goes home to Tonkla
  • Dinner with the family after Great hits Manee
  • Dome sees Title attack View and asks after her in class
  • Title kills Dome
  • Great goes to the hospital and meets Tyme
  • Great and Tyme hook up, Great leaks it to the internet
  • Tonkla finds out his brother is dead, tries calling Korn
  • Korn meets with Fasai's father, the shareholder who hacked them is killed
  • Korn and Fasai have sex
  • Win and Tonkla meet
  • Tyme meets with Nan
  • Nan gets in trouble and calls Tyme
  • Win is kicked off the case
  • Win and Tonkla have sex
  • Great's Dad tries to pay off Tyme
  • Great and Tyme go on their date, of sorts
  • Tyme attacks Korn
  • Great confronts Tyme
  • Dome's funeral and Win being followed
  • Tonkla kicks Korn out
  • Korn tortures Nan
  • Great investigates Nan's whereabouts
  • Nan is killed and Great rescues Tyme
  • Tyme exposes the gambling ring
  • Tonkla and WIn investigate Dome's killing
  • Tonkla shoots Great
  • Tyme visits Great in the hospital
  • Grandma is killed and Tyme is shot, Great codes in the hospital.
  • Great and probably Tyme have their dying fantasies from episodes 1-5
  • Tonkla drugs Title and probably kills him
  • Tonkla's fingerprints are found on the murder weapon
  • Win and officers go to arrest Tonkla.

So this leaves out a ton of Tyme-only scenes that happen in 1-5 because I'm not sure if those are part of Great's subconsicous or real life or actually part of Tyme's subconcious. I think I got most of the major points?

summerized the whole series ...however there is a  point im curious about  how did that girls lukwa i think that her name  saw Great in her dream i mean 4mnt future she didn't meet him before .

I've got a couple theories:

1. the scenes with her are actually in reality and not the dream. 

2. Tyme tells Great while he's hospitalized about Dem's research and Great incorporates it into the fantasy world later when he starts coding.

3. Tyme's (and therefore Dem's) solo scenes are actually Tyme's subconcious and not Great's at all. We know they are dying at the same time.

Interesting theories it could be ..this my theory the clock hasn't showed 11:04 yet so i think this the last chance Tyme has to use it well to change everything 

Interesting theories it could be ..this my theory the clock hasn't showed 11:04 yet so i think this the last chance Tyme has to use it well to change everything 

 sunshine tae:

Interesting theories it could be ..this my theory the clock hasn't showed 11:04 yet so i think this the last chance Tyme has to use it well to change everything 

But I think the 4 minutes of11:00 etc is of  Great not Tyme.. I am not optimistic both will die dark ending...

 Gidi Sela:

But I think the 4 minutes of11:00 etc is of g Greay not Tyme.. I am not optimistic both will die dark ending...

Have u seen the last secne of ep 7 it showed us Tyme losing consious after being and then bam standing next to the clock where it showed 11:00 exactly so i think Great wasn't the is not the only one 

 sunshine tae:

Have u seen the last secne of ep 7 it showed us Tyme losing consious after being and then bam standing next to the clock where it showed 11:00 exactly so i think Great wasn't the is not the only one 

Yeah I think it's both of them too after the end of episode 7, it would explain Tyme's solo parts of the dream world, like treating Manee after she's saved, etc.

 sunshine tae:

Have u seen the last secne of ep 7 it showed us Tyme losing consious after being and then bam standing next to the clock where it showed 11:00 exactly so i think Great wasn't the is not the only one 

Ya I saw  like it going back but I am not sure he is with 4 minutes thing. We have to wait and see nut I don't see happy ending....still have to see if Tyme  was discovered  on time to try to save his life.