so i was reading mydramalist and found that the amount of numbers of ep are wrong, yes it is 2 hours but you can mostly find the eps on their own and not in one so the totale amount is 4 eps with around 2 to 3 eps in one so it goes 

first = 2 stories 

second= 3 stories 

third = 2 stories 

fouth = 1 also know as the final eps 

Yes! I watched all the four eps and I can surely say that you can watch it all on viki! There might be a season two! Based on the ending monologue by the main character.

yes  but my issue is with how its on mydramalist, when i first watched it i thought it was only 1 ep and people that dont use viki would also think the same thats is why i like to change the amouth of numbers to 4 eps 

Well? It's still not corrected on MDL to 4 episodes.

Anyone willing to submit the Edit? All MY edits ever got rejected. So I'm clearly not the person for the job LOL

sameeee, mine are getting rejected as well its annoying 

xxmai Volunteer Staff
 S Ahmed:

yes  but my issue is with how its on mydramalist, when i first watched it i thought it was only 1 ep and people that dont use viki would also think the same thats is why i like to change the amouth of numbers to 4 eps 

MDL follows the official releases, which in this case is the TV release, where it was released as one long episode. Later on that episode got split and released online, with shorter runtime and split into four parts/episodes. 

This is not the first nor last case where episodes on TV are released differently than the ones online, i.e. Chinese titles are notorious for that. MDL always follows the first original airing, and all and any such info is then written in the synopsis area, where all users can read why there's a difference in what you watch and what you see here on MDL.

So yes, if you did try to submit another edit, or someone else by that matter, to try and change it to 4 episodes, your submission will get rejected by any of the approval staff member, so my advice is not to try to make an edit for the episode number, so as not to ruin your ratio. (:

Care a rat's a** about my "ratio":-)

What I care about is the practical side of things.

What's practical is to know how many episodes the series has online, where it stays and is AND WILL BE watched by all the future viewers to come. Not how it went airing ONCE ages ago:-)

But, what does MDL care about the practical side of things, LOL

xxmai Volunteer Staff

Care a rat's a** about my "ratio":-)

What I care about is the practical side of things.

What's practical is to know how many episodes the series has online, where it stays and is AND WILL BE watched by all the future viewers to come. Not how it went airing ONCE ages ago:-)

But, what does MDL care about the practical side of things, LOL

What you watched as four episodes does not mean countless others before you didn't watch that one episode version which already aired. It's not just about one person's way of watching something.

Yeah and countless people AFTER me will look up the information about the number of episodes HERE ON MDL, an online site, on which they expect to find the info before watching the series: also ONLINE. They can't all time-travel to the time when it still aired on TV! So, while it's nice to know the information about the original run, I feel THAT should belong into the "synopsis area" or wherever to read it as a side note. Not general information. What all the future users of this site will find useful is the new number of episodes so that they're sure that what they found online is correct. They need this information more than how it aired on TV but that's just my opinion of course MDL does not care about that it cares about its precious guidelines so let's leave it at that

i be Frank This is easier then letting go look for ep 1 and then realize wait a second this isn’t even 1 ep, or Thinking the actual show has been cancelled. In my situation , I thought the show was cancelled first and then after 2 weeks found a so called ep 2. I was surprised that mld was giving me incorrect information.