I gotta say it's either a big retcon or a confirmation that genetics pass down through biology, not souls.
Mama Jin believed that since Bu-Yeon's blood still courses in Naksu's body, Naksu can birth an heir with priestess powers. This contradicts what Jang Kang and late King believed in - they believed genetics pass down through souls.
My guess is nobody actually knows shit and believes in whatever nonsense they want since it's basically medieval fantasy times with no science whatsoever. And mama Jin is a dumb delulu bitch. 

And I guess that's it for Bu-Yeon - a sad end. Her soul is dead, her body converted to take shape of Naksu's soul. But good for Naksu I guess, she's back in her body and no longer a soul shifer. She just needs to regain her memories.

And mama Jin got nothing in the end, she's stuck in limbo now, the only thing left of Bu-Yeon is the blood still coursing through what is now Naksu's body. I'm good with that, she didn't deserve to have Bu-Yeon back. And I hope she gets locked up herself in the end, because she's just crazy.


I can't believe Jin Mu is the first person to actually recognize her! I mean, sure, it makes sense, but still. This is getting on my nerves, Master Lee knows about everything and just kept quiet! Like, seriously he should have told Jang Uk about it. He deserves to know the truth. Also, I like the new relationship between Naksu and Jang Uk, but I'm not entirely ok with him getting involved with her without knowing the truth. I'm hoping next week someone other than Jin Mu finds out, preferably Jang Uk or Yul. 

Lol We’re being jealous coz Uk is falling for Naksu while being in love with Naksu. 

I guess it plays into Uk and Naksu being fated. Three years passed since Uk and Naksu separated, Uk could have fallen for/taken pity on/helped/come across any girl…but he never once did, he only ever did it for Naksu, and so it’s fate. 

If I understood this correctly, no memory equal no power. When Naksu regain her memory she will also have the power of Jin Bu-Yeon? Two soul becomes one.

I don't think this will be a happy ending.  In the first EP Yul said its ongoing drought in the lake and the energy is weak. In the ice stone  JBY tells Mu-Deok she will gain some and lose the other. Since Uk have The Ice Stone the energy in Daeho is reduce. Someway somehow Uk(he wants to remove the ice stone anyway) will sacrifice himself to bring everything back to normal. 


If I understood this correctly, no memory equal no power. When Naksu regain her memory she will also have the power of Jin Bu-Yeon? Two soul becomes one.

I don't think this will be a happy ending.  In the first EP Yul said its ongoing drought in the lake and the energy is weak. In the ice stone  JBY tells Mu-Deok she will gain some and lose the other. Since Uk have The Ice Stone the energy in Daeho is reduce. Someway somehow Uk(he wants to remove the ice stone anyway) will sacrifice himself to bring everything back to normal. 

Bu-Yeon's soul is dead and gone. Now it's only Naksu, but it was implied she'll get her powers back when she remembers herself. As for priestly powers, it seems it's all Bu-Yeon's blood that is still coursing through her body.

Here is my simple theory on how Naksu could possibly gain her memories back, not sure if someone mentioned this before: 

Jin mu knows that Bu-yeon is Naksu, therefore will he try to use the bell on Naksu again to wreck havoc. If he does my theory is that Naksu will regain her memories when he uses this bell, not sure if it would be all her memories or just the ones when she went on a killing streak.

Any theories on  Seo Yul and So Yi?  I didn't much like her in Part 1, except her devotion to Seo Yul.  Could she become a good person in this part? 

Ok but I just remembered that Park Jin literally fought face to face with Naksu. That means that he might recognise her. On the other hand it's been over 3-4 years since they fought each other so he might have forgotter what her face looks like. Still he could be like "Oh wait I think I've seen her somewhere before".


Here is my simple theory on how Naksu could possibly gain her memories back, not sure if someone mentioned this before: 

Jin mu knows that Bu-yeon is Naksu, therefore will he try to use the bell on Naksu again to wreck havoc. If he does my theory is that Naksu will regain her memories when he uses this bell, not sure if it would be all her memories or just the ones when she went on a killing streak.

oh nice theory, I'm wondering as well how she will gain her memories and how that will affect the love story. 

I have a question about ice stone.

We learned in part 1, that many people fought for ice stone since many years ago until The King's star Master Seo got rid off them and only one of ice stone was left, he saved for Jin Seolran.

We learned about only great and powerful things about it. No one gets informed that this sufferings and price you have to pay as ice stone owner?

Before Uk got ice stone, shaman choi was the one who owned it. She seemed fine at using it too. 

Now, The King's star Uk become ice stone owner, he is suffering with those wraiths wandering around, being soul-shifters' target...

Uk said it's too much for him to handle. Isn't Uk the King's star who is supposed to destroy it? Why is it too much for him? Am I missing something?

1. Will Jung So Min be a part of part 2?

Yes, but only for a cameo.

2. Why is Jang Uk using Naksu's sword?

I’m pretty sure Jang Uk knows that Naksu’s “running wild moment” isn’t exactly her doing and that someone is behind that tragic incident. Jang Uk is probably using Naksu’s sword to look for some clues as to who might be behind her untimely death aside of course from remembering her.

3. Who rescued Mu Deok?

As shown in episode 2, it was Master Lee who helped Lady Jin recover MD/BY’s body. I’m just a bit disappointed that Master Lee did not bother to tell Jang Uk the truth (that Naksu is actually still alive).

4. How does Go Yoon Jung appear again when her body was burned?

Master Lee said that because Naksu’s soul has taken over BY/MD’s body, her real physical traits are coming out.

5. And any other wild theories are always welcomed
No wild theory or whatsoever, I just really want Jang Uk and Naksu to live happily ever after coz they deserve a good ending after everything they’ve been through.

3. Guesses about Seo Yul's sickness?

Maybe the worm with Jin's blood that So-Yi had planted in him in an effort to save him or something psychologically related to missing out on first love yet again(The trauma trope)

After watching S2E4, I'm a bit tired of the princessy innocent Bu-yeon and ready for badass Naksu to appear. I loved the chemistry between Uk and Mu-deok in S1 in part because of Mu-deok's courage and bravery and zestiness. I wish Master Lee (who should have told Uk about Naksu/Bu-yeon) could multiply Naksu into three people: a Naksu body for Seo Yul, a Mu-deok body for Uk, and a third version for the Prince. I want Yul to be happy, too! (And not with that pickpocket mess of a girl.)

That said, the ending of S2E4 was very sweet and I might have teared up a little.