Spoiler alert for the Ending so steer away if you would not like to know about the ending yet.

I have to say that I am very surprised at this Kdrama for its plot and the superb use of time travel as a plot device in making every scene meaningful to a certain degree. Flashback are no longer just flashback because it can be a point at which Gwi-ju visit it with emotions and the exact sentence he uses for us viewers to analyse deeply into.

But then comes ep 12 ending which while is definitely a happy ending in my opinion albeit a rushed one, I can't help noticing the fact that they covered Bok Ina face and only showing us her silhouette. They showed her back and how she now has friends in school for her very last scene. For that, I can theorize a few things which are one, maybe they could not find an older version of Ina to play the role with similar features, or two, they can't make Ina look convincingly older for 5 years have passed and technically, she is in her growth spur so realistically, she would look much older as a teen. Third, they could be a symbolic meaning behind why they don't show us her face which at the moment, I have no idea of.

But what if they are setting up for a Season 2 for Atypical Family. Thus, I imagine if they waited for Bok Ina real actress to age and then to shoot the drama again, it would click with the reason as to why they don't show us her face yet. Perhaps a season 2 where we fully explore her powers and also her little brother.

I know I am stretching things a little too far with my speculation, but we have seen every character's face at the end after 5 years EXCEPT for INA. With how central her role is, you would assume she at least get a reunion with her dad for the ending, but they rushed it instead.

I can see why some people interpret it as an open ending because a lot of things can be up to viewer's interpretation. Like how does the little boy's power work and how does the reunion between the families ended up as. The part where the firefighter mentioned about how Gwi-ju was donating to his "hyung's family" even until now feels like a potential subplot that could be explored further because apparently his hyung family include a boy that eats and is studying well. Could he be Bok Ina boyfriend?

Talking about the Bok Ina boyfriend, if there was a season 2, they could easily explore this plot instead of the main characters this time. Anyhow, I could just be talking nonsense knowing that there is no confirmation of a season 2. Perhaps it is me just depressed over the fact that we don't get to see the reunion of the family and Ina's happy face after that traumatic fire incident.

Either way, the journey of Atypical Family has been really great. It is really surprising and atypical (no puns intended) for a Kdrama. Hopefully for a Kdrama that is on Netflix, let's hope there is a season 2 since Netflix love their seasons. This Kdrama could have an extra or 2 ep to end everything perfectly but since that is not the case now that it is over, a new season would be a good alternative to continue the storyline that abruptly ends.

All the cast members still have so much potential to explore in their powers and plot that I don't think we can bury the story yet. It has been an emotional rollercoaster that intrigues me along the journey but with limited time, the ending has fallen flat albeit it was a happy one. If this really are the true ending for this Kdrama with no season 2, I would just lament at the fact that they can still explore so much more with the cast and director but beggars can't be choosers. We still got a closure to most of the characters arc and they didn't leave us hanging as to whether Bok Gwi Ju made it back to the present because all that matters is that with his son's powers, he got back to present timeline. Does that mean he is now 5 years younger than everyone around him including Da-Hae though? Hehehe

Happy ending, case closed.

Yeah ,they could really explore bok ina in a second season .A proper teenage rom com with actual teenagers playing the character would be a new in kdrama .I don't think I've seen many Asian movies focusing on teenage romance aspect except maybe "teasing takagi san"

First of all,I LOVED the drama.It is something unusual  for dramas to speak about so many topics at the same time and so well.Most of the kdramas the revolve school talk about buying,we also have true beauty that talks about the importance of self acceptance.

This drama was different because even tho it was a mixture of different 'topics', it was made well and didn't feel forced.

I also thought that the ending was rushed.I dotted for I na throughout the show because she reminds me of someone, so I was sad not seeing her at the end.Did I expect it to end well?Of course I did but I never expected THAT to happen because we were introduced to the child at 5 minutes before the "FINALE"

One more episode would be perfect, to show how everything has progressed and reunite the whole family.Two would be too much in my opinion because everything is now solved.

Netflix does do second seasons only if the show is popular -which is to be expected,I also wouldn't want my company to sink- but do you remember LOVE ALARM?The second season sucked....When something is truly loved by the public it is hard to replicate that adoration a second time.Il n'est pas facile!

I do like the drama because it is out of the norm and is hard to guess what will happen next (it doesn't give you enough info,even tho I had predicted that it would happen in the future) but I don't think that there will be a second season.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Edit:Nooooo my hearts  are posted like question marks,what a defeat...Just imagine blue hearts in the last sentence please

Edit no 2:I won't go down without a fight ♡♡♡♡♡♡

Now I am fulfilled ( :

The reason why Ina is not shown is simply because she would have changed quite a lot in 5 years time, and to hire somebody to play her for barely a minute for just the ending seems a bit overkill. Now they could pick someone random from the cast, or even a non actor to just walk the hallway.

It could also be settings is up for a 2nd season, albeit in all likelihood that would involve different actors and would be released much sooner, the mother is already 73 in real and the other older cast members are around their 50's. I highly doubt they would wait 5+ years for a 2nd season for Park So Yi to grow up and only replace Ina and some of the other younger cast members.

I personally think there won't be a 2nd season, but never say never... it all depends on how well watched it is on Netflix.

But what would the plot even be, they resolved the major plot line in this series already..

it is after all a 12 ep drama

I like the theory that there might be a season 2. I like the idea of seeing Bok In-Ah and her love interest's love story as they get older and fall in love. I also think that the ending was too rushed and didn't make a lot of sense. Why could his wife see him suddenly---it's not like he was dead at that point already. Why could the past hurt him physically all of a sudden? And if the blast in the hallway killed Bok Gwi-Ju in the fire, then shouldn't the whole story cease to exist? If the him from the present is dead, then that means there is no story. And if he died in the blast, how does his kid go back in time to get him? Plus, where did the random second child of theirs even come from---there's no insinuation of her ever being pregnant or them even having sex in the storyline, just flirting really. I also found it annoying that they didn't tell us who was giving tuition money for the deceased firefighter's son---and I wonder if the same son is Bok In-Ah's love interest because that would be sweet. 

If they'd taken some time and cleaned up the ending better, I would've rated it a 9/10 since it's actually really well written for a time-skip drama. Instead I gave it an 8. But I'll still watch if there is a season 2 lol.