I still don't get the meaning of the red Hibiscus flower(s) in the movie.

Could someone please explain to me, even the scene that he color the flower in Tarn's image?

Many thanks!

"In China the hibiscus is associated with wealth, glory or fame. All hibiscus flowers are short-lived, and so in many cultures they symbolise women and youthful or delicate beauty or perfection."

Tarn wanted Teh to colour in the hibiscus she drew in purple as it would have meant that Teh was paying attention to her (her chest, cough) like in previous episodes. She knows that Teh is acting off so she wanted to test if he'd colour it purple. But he in fact coloured it red, the colour Oh-Aew wears often and is associated with. It could also be because of the hammock scene where they put red hibiscuses is each others hair.

Thank you so much, Mori, for enlighting me about that.

The meaning is so deep and beautiful!

I didn't even pay much attention to it & if I hadn't read this discussion I wouldn't hv known the deep meaning behind it. tysm for explaining it.

In the first documentary episode, the Director also pointed out that the flower has both male and female sex organs meaning that they can reproduce with themselves. They are "nonbinary" which he thought would represent the LGBTQ+ community.


In the first documentary episode, the Director also pointed out that the flower has both male and female sex organs meaning that they can reproduce with themselves. They are "nonbinary" which he thought would represent the LGBTQ+ community.

Ah! I almost completely forgot about that part. Thank you for reminding me! 

@areallyloudfangirl and Mori:

Thank you very much!

Thanks so much, guys! Happy to learn the meaning behind it.

Such a great drama!

In my culture, we call this flower "Flor de Cristo" or "Sangre de Cristo" which translates to "Christ's blood" or "Christ's flower" it is symbolic with health and also with pain/loss

Interesting, @anchorenomore

Many thanks!

in my country it is called ''Ιβίσκος '' and it represents delicate beauty. Actually i have a yellow  one hibiscus in my home. In the case of itsay i think it represents the desire and the passion teh feels for someone based on the color of the flower.


"In China the hibiscus is associated with wealth, glory or fame. All hibiscus flowers are short-lived, and so in many cultures they symbolise women and youthful or delicate beauty or perfection."

Tarn wanted Teh to colour in the hibiscus she drew in purple as it would have meant that Teh was paying attention to her (her chest, cough) like in previous episodes. She knows that Teh is acting off so she wanted to test if he'd colour it purple. But he in fact coloured it red, the colour Oh-Aew wears often and is associated with. It could also be because of the hammock scene where they put red hibiscuses is each others hair. 

Do i have to see the doc first or the series ??