Hello. There was a historical drama I watched in late90-early 2000s, something about a concubine which can lead to the downfall of a dynasty. Not sure if I can recall some parts but here goes;

- the main lady went to the palace  for the emperor bride selection

- the emperor's ministers reminded him not to choose a lady of a certain background as there is a prophecy saying she can lead to the dynasty downfall

- the emperor went to the selection and he is impressed with the main lady but due to her background, she wasn't selected as empress, only as a  concubine.

- if I'm not wrong, she gradually became evil in the drama

- she befriended the empress. There was a scene she cut her flesh from her hand to make into a medicinal soup for the empress

- the emperor realized in the end that she was up to no good but died before he could do anything

- the empress's young son became emperor, empress and the main lady became empress dowager/ regents. The end.

I think the drama was aired during the hype of Plum Blossoms drama trilogy, but I could be wrong. Thank you.


it would be this drama 


Nope, not that drama. The drama was aired like 15-20 years ago. It doesn't involve memory lost or time travelling too. The actress for the main lady could be either Brigitte Lin, Leanne Liu or someone who looked similar. 

hmm not sure then, this one had the same plot line as well...like cutting her flesh and feeding it to the prince regent whom she was in love with and no time travel lol....I will have to think some more then :)

O_O I want to watch that!! Sounds really good


hmm not sure then, this one had the same plot line as well...like cutting her flesh and feeding it to the prince regent whom she was in love with and no time travel lol....I will have to think some more then :)

The novel I read had time travelling. I got confused between the novel and its drama adaptation ????


the only one I can think of besides that may be


Not that too. Have to slowly search because there isn't much English database for older dramas.  


O_O I want to watch that!! Sounds really good

Which one?


Which one?

The one you're looking for! It sounds so interesting!


The one you're looking for! It sounds so interesting!

Oh haha.. yup nice. But it was quite cringey I think.. considered it was 20 years ago and during the Plum Blossom Scar drama period  which had many screaming and crying scenes. 

Oh please let there be a remake! I can't take the screaming and constant crying -_-

I think that's the drama War and Beauty.

 Michia Lei:

I think that's the drama War and Beauty.

Oh it's not War and Beauty. Much more older drama. I don't think it's from TVB, maybe Taiwanese production.


Oh please let there be a remake! I can't take the screaming and constant crying -_-

I hope so too. 

I looked up one of the actresses you mentioned and read a summary of one of her shows and it sounds like it may be this  one
