Hello All,

Andiana and I are hosting a watch party for Nirvana in Fire and Love in Between on Sunday Feb. 7th 8:30AM GMT+8/Saturday 7:30PM EST. If anyone would like to join, please respond to this post.  Will provide a link the day of.  We're estimating a two episode extravaganza =P

Just saw this, if you have  another one , let me know!  I am on episode 16 now,  doing a slow watch on the drama, taking my time to watch it.

@K Arlene No worries!  We actually haven't started yet lol.  Scheduling conflicts.  We've penciled in Feb. 7th to start episode 1 and also episode 1 of Love in Between.  Feel free to join if you're interested!  Will post the link the day of.

Here are the links!

1st: Nirvana in Fire @ 8:30AM GMT+8/Saturday 7:30PM EST - https://app.kosmi.io/room/tmmdry

2nd: Love in Between @ 9:30AM GMT+8/Saturday 8:30PM EST - https://app.kosmi.io/room/wnfa1h