China Link 3 results

L-Q part 

Missing Titles

Not yet aired

China Link 1 

Not on MDL: 

Computer-animated movies: 

I will add the missing titles (except the computer-animated ones of course), if that's okay. :)

xxmai Volunteer Staff

China Link 1 

Not on MDL: 

Computer-animated movies: 

I will add the missing titles (except the computer-animated ones of course), if that's okay. :)

Yes, go ahead. (:


Yes, go ahead. (:


China Link 1 

Not on MDL: 

Computer-animated movies: 

I will add the missing titles (except the computer-animated ones of course), if that's okay. :)

Monkey king havoc in the heaven is also animation


Monkey king havoc in the heaven is also animation

Thanks, I missed that. I'll edit the post. 

Not complaining, but I just want to say, that as someone searching for  movie trailers, it's getting a little confusing to keep track of which ("search") pages I've completed, when new movie titles are being added and show up randomly. Possibly in the future, we should add all the missing titles before we start searching for trailers.  

China link 3 - its finally done


Missing titles

Not yet aired

002. Track 2020 trailers

China - Dramas - Pg 7-11 is finally done!

Uploaded all the missing trailers I could find and added the ones I couldn't to the missing trailers sheet.

xxmai Volunteer Staff

Not complaining, but I just want to say, that as someone searching for  movie trailers, it's getting a little confusing to keep track of which ("search") pages I've completed, when new movie titles are being added and show up randomly. Possibly in the future, we should add all the missing titles before we start searching for trailers.  

That'll be a little difficult to do, since users add new titles all the time, unrelated to these projects altogether. So we can't really control that, unfortunately. :(

China link 3 - its finally done

Wonderful. ^^


China - Dramas - Pg 7-11 is finally done!

Uploaded all the missing trailers I could find and added the ones I couldn't to the missing trailers sheet.

Thank you. Great job. ^^

002. Track 2020 trailers

Can you add me to Korean Movies Pg. 7-12?

Thailand, Link 2 - all the 'Thai' movie titles are already on MDL. 

xxmai Volunteer Staff

002. Track 2020 trailers

Can you add me to Korean Movies Pg. 7-12?

Added you. (:


Thailand, Link 2 - all the 'Thai' movie titles are already on MDL. 

Thank you for checking. ^^

can I take Hong Kong link 1

xxmai Volunteer Staff

can I take Hong Kong link 1

Yes, please go ahead. (:

Project 002

  • South Korea, Dramas, pages 9-12: Completed
  • South Korea, Specials, pages 1-3: Completed
  • Philippines: Can I take the entire lot?