Crazy4You wrote: You should! :D I'm going to take pictures of some of my stuff later haha [on my phone :p] (:

Haha JI need to get a camera!!!!!! I guess I'll save up for one. BTW go look in the LSG thread.
Sleepninja wrote: Haha JI need to get a camera!!!!!! I guess I'll save up for one. BTW go look in the LSG thread.

Haha you need one! :p And I did haha xD

I just took pics of my previous projects. I need to draw newer stuff haha. Haven't drawn for a while =__=
Okay I'm going to add some of my actual art projects I did for school haha.

This is an acryllic painting I did in Art II on stretched canvas. Not the best, but not bad for one of the first paintings I was semi serious about haha.

We had to do 6 water color paintings in Art II - I hated watercolor haha. It wasn't bad after you spent like 3 hours on a painting, because by then it starts to look like something. Getting started was my problem, so I'm only going to show 2 of them haha, the ones that turned out okay.

This was my final painting that I did [in Art IV] - my first black and white painting. I like it, although there's things I messed up on haha.
This was my 2nd project in Art III - We had to take a picture and then use a word that would describe it and font that would fit. My teacher didn't really care for my font but I liked it and thought it looked fine haha

This was my 3rd project in Art III - The project was to make a picture out of words. What we could use were song lyrics and a picture to either describe those lyrics [or poem] or a picture of the artist themselves. I chose Mariah Carey's "Vision Of Love" because it's one of my all time favorite songs [and I was listening to a lot of her music at the time - also I wasn't a drama addict then or my projects would be Kpop/Jpop/Cpop artists hahaha].

This was my final pencil drawing in Art IV - My teacher had wanted us to use pictures of plants or flowers and we would draw and shade them and have 2 areas filled with colored pencil. My first use of colored pencils.
Sorry if the picture quality on both pages aren't that great. I took pictures using my phone =__=
Those are pretty cool PD! You made those? What do you use? :D
PinkDiamond wrote: I use Gimp. There are a lot of features that I'm still learning to use, but I know how to do basics. :)

I forgot to say Thanks! :)

Ohh really? I have Gimp on my Macbook but I'm still getting used to it [I miss how easy Photoshop was haha, there are things I go to do and then find I either don't know how to do them in Gimp or they can't be done =__=]. So there's a lot I have to learn, too haha.

And your Welcome!

You drew the JGS picture? It's really good!! (:
PinkDiamond wrote: Yeah, I drew it, but I didn't finish because I got bored.

It looks really good as it is though (:
I know I know they are not very good but please don't be to harsh :p