I would like to talk about the symbolism behind the Chinese title, 墨雨云间.
I’m interpreting the phrase as “Inky Rain Amidst Clouds.” The words signify a tarnished reputation or image, literally a black rain in her world. It is interesting that the word ink is used since her murderous husband was a scholar; his ink tarnished her.
It is also significant that there were so many images of her using umbrellas, as if in her new incarnation, she is protecting herself from that inky rain.
If you listened to one of the OST, the one with the duet, the girl sings about being lost in the inky cloud, and the boy sings about being the thread to pull her out!

Cool, huh?

So now we can extrapolate that into all those scenes of the Duke slowly giving her his clothes to wear ha ha until she wore the whole get up at the barbecue. She had his full protection by then. 😍

Ah, this drama…..

The OST Duet

Continuing from my post yesterday about the Chinese title:

女:(female lines) (XFF)

穿梭在墨雨云间 找不到牵引的线 (shuttling between the inky rain clouds, cannot find the thread to pull me out)
一千个美的从前 都徘徊在痛的边缘 (the past with a thousand beautiful memories , all wandering on the edge of pain)

男:(male lines) (XH)
仰望着墨雨云间 我始终是那根线 (looking up into the inky rain clouds, I’ve always been that thread)
斩断了你的依恋 斩不断我心里的欠 (I cut off your attachment and the debt in my heart)

I noticed XFF’s clothes were mostly white, reinforcing the idea that she had a clear conscience, that she was not tainted. Then, after SYR “put his cloak” on her, symbolically touching her, she vomited and XH made her change her clothes. XH clothes she chose was black!

What do you guys think of that?