You get to drive all the way home which is only a few mins away so you somehow managed to bring it back in time

Insert - you stay up all night before a test

You get to impress your mom by your marks

Insert NGO

Get a Tax Rebate Form

Insert Jam (jar)

You get your one meal ready

Insert patience 

You get the ability to be okay with waiting

Insert bouquet of flowers

You get the feeling,  that someone thinks, "you are the special one"

Insert e-platonic relation

You get someone with whom you share a deep, emotional connection

Insert Computer

you get entertaining 

insert Handphone

You get to enter into entire different world  ( like in drama goblin, when they enter through the door, n it opens in......)

Insert person who is on his own taking your extra duty, just to c u r very much tired

you get love

insert your hand

you get love

insert your hand

You get, someone (always) to hold it.

Insert stolen cookie

you get notice from her(South korea is famous for suing)

insert waterballon

You get, not to get panicky, it’s just a water balloon and not some freakishly big watermelon, u not gonna die from it aenoee. 

Insert yellow wild Lilly

hahaa good one

You get to thank  your friends for their support and loyalty 

insert rose