Ok, so the game is mainly about writing a funny story.
- every user writes one sentence. 

- you write weird and stupid sentences to make story funny.
- Each story consists of only 15 sentences. So every player must number their sentence based on previous number for easier playing.
- The person who writes 1st sentence must start the story.
- The last person (i.e. the person who writes the 10th sentence must end the story).
User 1- (1. I have a cookie) first line of story
User 2- ( 2. The cookie fell down and cried)
User 3- (3. But the cookie had no tears)

User 4- (4. So the cookie drank water)

User 5- (5. But it melted and died)

I have written it short with 5 sentences just for example.
Till User 15- (15. Finishing line of the story)
After 15 sentences are over to make 1 story, we start a new story.
Let's see how funny our stories can be!

I will start first.

1. The world is coming to an end today.

“The end of the world would be a great excuse to finally quit your job.”

So, I decided to spend my last moments making instant noodles for my family, cause that was the only dish I knew how to make.

But turn out i can't even make it, cause we don't have instant noodle left. 

5. As world is coming to an end,I Told myself, it won’t matter if I don’t eat noodles, Wait a second, whom am I kidding.          

 Stuff written in the bracket is not contributing towards the main 15 sentence story. ( komentator, open the garage, let’s go the super market)

6.  So I went to sleep to spend my last moment in peace, but, the bed was wet.

7. I suddenly realised,  i only did that last night, as I got so scared thinking of this world is not gonna exist from tomorrow

@ the book, 

A very good thread u have started here. 


@ the book, 

A very good thread u have started here. 

Glad you like it :)

8. Then, all of a sudden I heard my mom calling me.

9. Oh my god! Should i open the door or change the sheets, What should I do now?  

( as she won't stop scolding me , even if its the end of the world situation we are facing, for whom should I become a good girl/ boy, for my ghost???)

Things written in the bracket are not included in 15 sentences of the story,  they are like extra material to  understand the topic

10. I opened the door and my mom was standing with a hockey stick 🏒


5. As world is coming to an end,I Told myself, it won’t matter if I don’t eat noodles, Wait a second, whom am I kidding.          

 Stuff written in the bracket is not contributing towards the main 15 sentence story. ( komentator, open the garage, let’s go the super market)

well it's end of the world why bother. Haha,...

And never expected to heard the word that comes of her mouth next.

12. Which was, (wait a sec, am I allowed to type that word here?)  Komentator,  you $€€£$# , when u gonna stop doing that,  u touching 26 (?) now. ( surprised to c her strong olfactory sense, because she cud nt see the wet bed, as she is still standing at the door)