I suggest watching A-teen and Goblin! Personally I find they both have really good plots. A-teen is a good romantic drama, short and sweet. Whereas Goblin is a bit longer and I longer thought out plot with a sideline of love. :)

Attention, Love!

(pamn I peeked at yours too and I v v much recommend picking up Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo from your on hold list)

Introverted Boss. I honestly I haven't watched a lot of your dropped, haha.

Drinking Solo, 

i wonder why you dropped it. it became better and it was quite enjoying to watch (personally lmao)

A lot of your dropped ones make sense! But you should try Rooftop Prince and Orange Days again and continue Love Shuffle and Secret from your on hold list. 

City Hunter


My Love Eun Dong

We have similar dropped list....but you might just enjoy finishing 


REPLY 1994 (If you can get past the loudness and low class atmosphere.) 

The Legend of the Blue Sea, I liked this drama over You Who Came from the Stars (which was boring for me) 

I would definitely give a second chance to:
Hospital Playlist: Thought it was really funny, the OST is amazing, LOVE THE CAST TOO.