Orange / tired / have a toothache and working :(

Navy blue + White / Hungry / Listened to "A tous ceux qu'on aime by Frédéric François". I'm thinking of reading a book.

Purple / bored / watching high class

Burgundy / Scared / My fire alarm went off while watching a horror movie - TT



Watched Korean drama 'The 7 First Kisses'

Purple / happy / went on a daytrip and cable car

Pink + Gray / Fine / Ate noodles

Blue / sad / relaxing 

Green / tired & sleepy / went to home after night shift

grey & red / calm / worked out

Blue/ tired/ had a long study session at library

Pink (dont wear dresses though lol)


Watching drama

Green / little sleepy / watched some youtube videos and gonna go to sleep now

Navy Blue / tired / went out for cinemas

Orange / tired / relaxing at home with dramas