Dark Blue / Calm / Watched Shang-Chi 

Black and white / fine /  watched a video of Kelly Clarkson

Yellow / sad / finished studying

Purple / mellow / shopping day

Brown / tired / listened to "My universe by Coldplay X BTS"

Grey + Black / Calm - nothing lol/ it’s midnight and am getting comfy in bed so I can binge some drama 

Red + White / Hungry + tired / I've been streaming " My universe by Coldplay X BTS"


Pink jammies / slouching I guess / watched 2 movies

Grey / bored / made breakfast

Burgundy / tired / resting for the whole day 

Black / sleepy / watched ep. 15 of The Devil Judge

Dark green / tired and sleepy / just watched some drama and now gonna go to sleep

Black / tired / overworking

Aqua blue / Calm / Just woke up and took a shower