Orange / Happy and excited/ Watching The Untamed

blue/lethargic/ had dinner

Bluish purple/ Little tired/ Watched some episodes of The Untamed and gonna go to sleep now

grey/bored/editing and reading

Green / relaxed / catching up on dramas

Blue / Happy / supper with family <3

Black / Sleepy / ate ramen and watched another episode of an anime that I've been watching. It's Fruits Basket the finale.

red/ happy/ watched football game

Bright blue/ Happy, relaxed, little tired/ Watched The Untamed ep 14 and gonna watch some more :D

grey/ tired/fixed my anime and manga list

Blue / calm / cleaned my room and made it more aesthetic ♥ 

Greenish yellow/ Kinda good, relaxed and little annoyed because my head hurts/ Watched ep 19 of The Untamed and gonna keep watching them :D

Purple / tired / Got the first dose of Vaccine 

Black / moody and in pain / don't wanna deal with people at the moment