Blue /Bored /Lecture

Mint green/ tired /finished online classes

Black / warm / five minutes till I leave hell aka school

multicoloured (floral)/content/reading  

Blue / chilled / resting on bed

Grey / slightly sick / just had bbq lamb + now am listening to BIBI

Yellow / sad / finished studying

Blue / sleepy / watching the paralimpics before work

Orange / Little bored / Gonna watch some series and eat

Blue / lazy / catching up on kdramas  

Green / sad / feeling sick

Black + Grey / Hungry / Cleaned my room as soon as I woke up and didn’t eat any breakfast yet - but still happy it’s the weekend yay

Yellow / watery / enjoying bank holiday

Denim blue/ hungry /sleeping 

Black / tired + satisfied / passed my theory test (yay) and had my first practical lesson