Red / happy / watching Trinity Music On latest video

Yellow / relaxed / listened some music 

Blue / Little sad / Woke up just couple second ago

Lime green / exhausted/good / Relaxing and thinking about continuing a drama what i was watching earlier

Purple / happy / Speaking with my sister on facetime and having fun

Blue / tired / Vintage clothing event

Blue / okay mood / streaming latest video of Trinity boyband

Sky blue/ tired /Listened some music 

Pink / happy / went out with my friends 

yellowish green/ confused, sad/ Watched some drama and feel kinda confused and sad at the moment

Light green / happy / Just finished Lovely Writer and it ended good and it had happy ending

black/sleepy/ walked in scorching heat

gray/ tired and stressed/finished  giving an exam

pink / bored / waiting for a new episode of a drama to air.

Purple / happy / had a haircut and a photoshoot