Black / relaxed + full / just ate bbqed meat - enjoyed it even though I don’t usually enjoy meat

Purple / excausted / overworking

black / tired / watching miracle in cell no. 7

Purple / Happy and Relaxed / worked on my art while listening to Colde <3

white / neutral, relaxed, fresh?? /  multitasking watching yt vids while finishing daily tasks in my game lol 

Red / happy & nervous waiting for Olympics men double semi final / watching Olympics

✿ Pink / tired / It's my birthday ✿

Burgundy / sleepy / listening to KRB while reading Addicted

Pink / relaxed / catching up on dramas

grey / tired / online shopping

black/tired, sleepy/did 3 hours of studying :'

Grey / sleepy / chilling on bed 

~ lavender / bored /  watched youtube videos ~

Brown/bored and full/surfing the net

Grey + Red/ caffeinated and happy/ done with online classes