
me too

I'm the type to argue with someone if I know I am right

me too

I'm the type to close the door of my room

Not me

I'm the type who goes to their fav idol concerts

Not me

I'm the type that drinks alcohol

Me too

I'm the type that likes dressing up regardless of the event

ew not me

I'm the girly type

Not me

I;m the type who can work out everyday.

Not me

I'm the type that likes being with their loved ones.

Me too

I'm the type to eat a lot

me too

I'm the type that is into korean skincare


I'm the type that likes to find better and more natural made make up.


I'm the type that rarely wears make up


I'm the type that always listens to music when I'm outside (by myself)

Not me 

I'm the type to sing along to music in the car (Very loudly ;) )

Me too :P

I'm the type to put the cereal first then the milk