Not me 

Actually I would love to do that but I am the type to watch dramas and read the entire day and do everthing fast right before I go to sleep.

I am the type who is not ashamed to say that I cry a lot on emtional tv scenes.

me too

I'm the type to listen to a song and get attached to it.

me too

I am the type who sings along even if I am unsure of the lyrics. (When I am alone or with my family)

So true...

I'm the type to make lists...thanks to post-it note pads

Me too.

I'm the type who eats way too much sweets even though they are unhealthy.

Me too

I'm the type to go to grocery shopping only when I need something.

Not me.

I'm the type who likes to try new recipes.

Not me

I'm the type that has little time to spend online

Not me. (But only because I am on vacation now.)

I'm the type that visits the libary often.

Not me.

I'm the type that likes being on my phone before I sleep.

Not me.

I'm the type that calls her family and friends more than to text them.

Not me.

I'm the type to take a bath at night

Me too. 

I'm the type to be the first one in the bath in the morning. (When I go to work)

It depends

I'm the type who has a big room

Me too

I'm the type that doesn't enjoy driving a car by myself