not me

I'm the type that prefers texting than calling

Not me

I'm the type that prefer to exercise in the mornings

Not me

I'm the type who has a few good friends.


I'm the type that sometimes enjoys going to cafes alone

not me

I;m the type that doesn't like to spy on other people.

not me

I am the type who sings along even if I am unsure of the lyrics.

yup! that's a defo me too~

I'm the type to not judge music by it's language.

me too

I'm the type that cares for their fam more than themselves

Me Too

I'm the type that take the time to care for my hair

Me too

I'm the type that likes law dramas

me too, especially if it has a strong female lead in that field!! (lawless lawyer is an example)

I'm the type that sees a good looking person in a drama. And instantly goes to research about them(on MDL)

Not me

I'm the type that uses anti-aging products

Not me lol im still young

I'm the type that likes alpha female leads

not me

I'm the type that loves making friends on social media

not me im too shy

I'm the type that likes to go on long walks