me too

I'm the type that looks young

Me too, my family thinks I have a baby face xD

I'm the type who likes soft tacos more than hard ones

me too

I’m the type who can’t be bothered washing the dishes true

I'm the type that sometimes tends to do things at the last minute

Me too

I’m the type that likes baking

Me too

I'm the type that like to make up my own recipes (not always could)

Me too

I'm the type that likes to dance to dance around when home alone

Eh- Depends on my mood

I'm the type that binge watches K-dramas during the night.

Could never be me lmao

I'm the type to eat Ice Cream in the winter

not me lol, 

I'm the type to eat whatever food is on the table. 

Depends on how hungry I am..

I'm the type to pull all-nighters on the regular

Not me

I'm the type who likes to go shopping alone


I'm the type that read food nutrition labels before deciding to put in my shopping cart.

Not me

I am the type that get scared easily.


I'm the type that tends to think a lot before making a decision