I speak Spanish and English, I´m learning Mandarin and I want to learn Japanese

Speak: English, bengali, hindi, french

Learning: Mandarin and Korean

Want to learn: Japanese and Russian

I speak English.

Over the years I studied German, Spanish and Italian. I also picked up miscellaneous words in Hindi, Nepali,  Mandarin.  But I can't use any of it, except to discreetly tell my family that I am headed to the restroom (in Nepali). :)

Learning  (self-taught): Hangul, Korean. (Thanks to K-dramas!) I absolutely love the Hangul alphabet but have sort of gotten stuck there. That said, this weekend I successfully used it at an Asian grocery to read some labels!

How many language(s) do you speak, and what language(s)do you speak?

I speak English and Malay Language. A little bit of Indonesian also. 

What language(s) do you want to speak or learn?

Korean, Japanese and Chinese. I understand all of them but I can't write or read :(

Are you learning any language(s) or have learned any, and what language(s) are you or did learn

Korean, Japanese and Chinese. I learnt through dramas, books and online websites.

 I can speak swedish    Danish  english  Korean   Not so  fluent with french japanese  thai   And  Mandarin and  italian 

I want to learn 

German   Bahasa  indosian    And  russian 

Speak and write fluently:  Croatian, German, English

Can understand/write/speak a bit:  Korean, Japanese, Italian

Want to learn/improve: Korean, Japanese, Chinese 

i speak french and english. 

i want to learn korean, japanese and chinese. (i do know some words/phrases, but i didn't study seriously yet.)

I speak English and Urdu/Hindi (with an accent tho T~T)

I can understand Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi, and English

I only know a few basic phrases of Japanese and Spanish

I can read a bit of Korean

I want to learn Arabic, French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese (both Mandarin and Cantonese.)

I'm currently learning nothing lol

I can speak Greek and English

i am not learning any language currently

I can understand some German (a few from school but can't learn it),Turkish and Korean words when i hear them

i would love to learn Ancient greek ( which i have tried and even though i am greek myself i just can't), Korean or Chinese and maybe Spanish 

But i am awful at learning new languages so i don't think i will ever learn something rip me

I speak/read/write English and Filipino (Tagalog) fluenty **I believe.

I can understand and speak (a little) Bisaya (Philippine Dialect)

I can understand / speak / write very little Spanish (it's mixed with our native language Filipino, that's why)

I am currently learning: Nihongo (Japanese)

I want to learn: Nothing at the moment

I can speak write and read : Arabic , English and French

I know a little : Italian

Currently learning : Korean

I want to learn / improve : Japanese ,Italian , Chinese ( both Mandarin and Cantonese) , Spanish and Thai

Im fluent in Swedish and English

Studied Spanish and German in school so I can understand it in some forms

Want to learn Korean and French  (I can understand some things in Korean but it's not really worth mentioning) 

I speak: Portuguese, English, Spanish and (a little of) Norwegian

I study: Japanese

I want to learn: Korean, Arabian and Chinese