8.5/10 Wow I really liked it, specially the melody, at the beginning it was so close to be a city popish song, I will add it to my playlist

well..it's soothing, but not really my cup of tea. 6/10

Oh I like it, added it to my playlist! 8.5/10


(I won’t link a video but here’s a song for you to rate ) 

Growl -EXO

6/10, i like most exo songs but growl isn't really one of them

5/10.  cute. not my type (i have seen a different song from that singer a while ago) 


7/10 it was good and my style, but i disliked that bit at the beginning a bit 

10/10 I loved it and when I read the lyrics I loved it even more.

6/10 I do like his performance and the live orchestra/band.

10/10 I listen to the complete song and now I want to watch the movie  :3 it was heartbreaking

7/10 I liked it, specially RM rap... to be honest this is the first song where I liked the 'feat' artist part more than the main artist part.