6/10 I like it but this is not my favorite song of her, I don't find it interesting enough :/

8/10 I really enjoy Gaho but i've been listening to that song way to many times lately i'm a bit tired of it :/ 


I liked the concept and how the lyrics contrasted with the story of the MV

7/10 I liked that the melody is energetic, but I was surprised when discovered that the lyrcis are 'romantic' ... interesting. 

*I have my discrepancies of concept with this song but it is still worth it.


I have similar opinions; the song itself is a jam (I remember listening to it on repeat when it first came out), but the MV concept...

6.5/10 It's my first time hearing the band but they took me by surprise. The lead singer? has a really nice tone. 

6.5/10 Nice lyrics :) I'm ignorant in music but the melody gave me Justin Bieber vibes

9/10 I was instantly captivated by the beginning of the song wow... Its weird how I never heard of the band cause they're so good but I'm definitely gonna listen to this song more often. Nice vocals. 

The ending has a surprise lol


My friend actually sent me fancam of this once! I adore Woong, but the song just never really goes in for me & the dance feels like it's trying too hard... Sorry, I just can't take the fluffball seriously like that.

Something a little different~