Win $100,000

Would you rather die before or after your partner?


Wyr wear shoes or go barefoot forever 


Would you rather be 4’5” or 7’7”?

Die at a young age

Would you rather only watch dramas with actors/actresses you hate or only watch drama genres that you hate?

Actors and actresses that I hate

Would you rather forget the drama you love most and never remember the name, or have an annoying lyric stuck in your head and never remember the song?

Forget the drama

WYR eat noodles or rice 


Would you rather never be able to go out during the day or never be able to go out at night?


WYR visit the future or the past 


wyr lives in a cold or hot country


WYR get bitten by a wolf or a monkey?

A monkey is probably less painful xD

WYR visit the beach or mountains?


WYR hang out with ur mum or friends?


WYR forget every drama you watched or forget every memory of your family?