
WYR live without coffee or live without chocolate

Live without coffee

wyr take afternoon naps or sleep early 

Take afternoon naps

wyr laze around or work out

Laze around xd 

wyr be a student forever or be a teacher forever 

be a student.I guess

wyr drive a car or ride a motorbike

Drive a car

WRY travel inside your country for only a week without spending too much or travel abroad for a month while speding a lot

travel abroad for a month 

wyr listen to an acoustic song or a cover song


wyr watch cdrama or jdrama

eehh jdrama i guess can help my japanse

wyr listen to always say yes or no

yes ?

WYR watch a Korean drama or a Japanese drama?

korean drama (depends on mood though)

wyr whistle or hum


wyr have the power to fly or the power to be invisible 


WYR watch a drama while it's airing or binge watch it

Binge watch it

wyr stop watching your favorite show or stop listening to your favorite song 

stop watching my favourite show

wyr eat noodle or rice for the last time