stand someone

WYR learn how to surf or how to ski


WYR wear a school uniform or regular clothes for school?


WYR walk to work or ride a bicycle

Far, far away... and before many repetitions have occurred.

WYR speak difficult truths while sober or drunk?


wyr have someone who loves you but you don't love, or someone you love but don't loves you?

depends but since it's been a while, i'd watch movie outside

wyr cook food or have food delivered?

cook food

wyr be able to make all kinds of drinks or food


wyr sing or dance


wyr have telekinesis (the ability to move things with your mind) or telepathy (the ability to read minds)?

telekinesis, i'm lazy that way plus i'm afraid my impatience will get the better of me with telepathy ?

wyr listen to love songs or classical songs