Disguise as a boy (it would be fun to see if people recognize me xD)

WYR receive cash or gifts?


wyr live alone or with ur parents?

with my parents

WYR be a vampire or a werewolf?


WYR sky dive or ocean (scuba) diving


wyr have a expencive tote bag or non branded?

Non branded 

WYR live a life where your partner is too nosy and all up in your business, or where your partner never tells you anything and decides things without informing you 

Live with a very nosy partner

WYR be all rich and famous for a day or relive a day from your past.

Re-live a day from my past

WYR work hard everyday and earn 5.000,= p/m or do "nothing" special and have 800,= p/m

WYR work hard everyday and earn 5.000 = p/m

have your dream job or have your dream man/woman

dream man

wyr live in a flat or ur own house?

My own house 

WYR be unable to see your friends for a long period of time or your family 


wyr be skinny or chubby and cute>?


WYR time travel to the past or future


WYR date you favourite Korean actor or your favourite kpop idol.

I think I would date my favourite kpop idol cause my favourite actor is too old for me XD

WYR time travel to past or future