
wyr sit on the sofa or a chair


wyr be able to go outside everytday or once in a while?


Would you rather know what your life would look like 10 years from now or know exactly when you will die?

knwo exactly when I die

wyr watch a movie at home alone or go to the cinema full of people ?


wyr live with your fam or alone?

wyr what?

Wyr live in a cave or live in a tree house?


WYR give up all processed food or give up all drinks excepts water

give up

wyr have a one year to disneyland or the aquarium


WYR have time travel on the past or in the future?


wyr be at the beach or just the pool?

ur supposed to ask the next person -.-

anyway ill continue

wyr eat only fish or meat ur whole life?


wyr have a pet or go to the zoo

ice cream

wyr be in an island or a town full of animals?

what is mal lol

would you rather have kids or no kids?


what is mal lol

would you rather have kids or no kids?

I think mal is myanimelist 

Have kids

Wyr have no taste buds or no emotional feelings?