Mystery: 9

Lying: 24

Genre:  Sci-Fi

Tag: First Love


First Love 109


G: Youth

T: Rich Male Lead

Youth: 8

Rich Male Lead: 9

Genre: Psychological

Tag: Revenge

Friendship 59

First love 84



Thriller 11



G: Historical

T: Hate To Love

Historical: 29
Hate to love: 66

Genre: Action
Tag: Smart male lead

Action: 103

Smart male lead: 216

Genre: Youth

Tag: Multiple Couples

youth - 26

multiple couples - n/a

g - action

t - smart male lead

Action 35

Smart Male Lead 121



T:First Love

Friendship = 29

First Love = 45

G- Business

T- Father-daughter relationship

Business 33



Supernatural  g

Unrequited Love t

Supernatural: 7

Unrequited Love: 22

Genre: Medical

Tag: Male Chases Female First

Medical 10

Male Chases Female First 78


G: Historical

T: Tragic Past

Historical - 41

Tragic Past - 86

Genre - Romance 

Tag - Rich male lead