Romance: 95

Rich male lead: 44

Genre: Drama

Tag: Female Chases Male First

Drama: 235
Female chases male first: not in my list 

Genre: Fantasy
Tag: Misunderstanding

Fantasy: 28

Misunderstanding: 46

Genre: Law

Tag: Bromance 

Law: 0

Bromance: 30

Genre:  Business

Tag: Love triangle

Business:  51

Love triangle: 192

Genre: Comedy

Tag: Cohabitation

Comedy 175  





School:  0         -  Death: 24


Genre;    Mystery

Tags:        Open Ending

Mystery 34



G: Business

T: Rich Male Lead

Business: 0

Rich Male Lead:  101


Genre: Action

Tag: Death

A 34

D 57



T:Hate To Love

Thriller: 3

Hate To Love: 6

Genre: Friendship

Tag: Love Triangle

Friendship 67

Love Triangle 122


G: Mystery

T: Lying

Mystery: 9

Lying: 25

Genre: Melodrama

Tag: Happy Ending

Melodrama: 15 

 Happy Ending: 33

Genre: Psychological 

Tag: Idol Actor 

Psychological: 19

Idol Actor: -

Genre: Medical

Tag: Murder