Yen - craving or yearning 

Zenith - the highest point

Ambidextrous - designed to be used by left-handed and right-handed people with equal ease (One of my pistols is equipped with an ambidextrous safety, because my youngest son is left-handed.)

Bucolic - Rural, rustic, of country life

cabré - flying upside down with tail down

Deride - express contempt for; ridicule.

"critics derided the proposals as clumsy attempts to find a solution"

Emulate - match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation

Fen - a low and marshy or frequently flooded area of land

Gewgaw - toy; trifling object; bauble

hadeharia - constant use of the word “hell”

livedo - pathological blueness of skin


hadeharia - constant use of the word “hell”

Inculcate - instill (an attitude, idea, or habit) by persistent instruction

Juxtapose - place or deal with close together for contrasting effect

Kewt - to "mew like a cat"


livedo - pathological blueness of skin 

Maven - an expert or connoisseur

Neophilia -  love of or enthusiasm for what is new or novel

Operose - involving or displaying much industry or effort.

Pelfrenier - A groom or stable boy is a person who is responsible for some or all aspects of the management of horses and/or the care of the stables themselves