the person above me hasn't spoken in twelve years due to rude comment said about the way her voice sounds. Side note: I'm sorry, I was just kidding, you don't sound like elmo doing an impersonation of adolph hitler. Can't you take a joke?
The person above me is none other than The very infamous,mean,rude & loud! the Grinch who stole the Christmas and took Santa's sleigh, hid it under his Chimney.. Force Mrs.Santa to make tons and tons of cookies in a shape of himself that looks like crooked witches nose w/warts. lol
The person above me isn't a person at all. she is actually a program i wrote to simulate a MDL user and post on responses on MDL forums. Her full name Is Electronic Jenny version 10.1
Thisguy2011 wrote: The person above me isn't a person at all. she is actually a program i wrote to simulate a MDL user and post on responses on MDL forums. Her full name Is Electronic Jenny version 10.1

very creative my friend lol... how to top this up?.. this is the 2nd time i was stomped w all this insane lies about me lol me like...

The person above me will be the next American President and he will shape his government up to the best of all the best, He will abolished everything that displeased him and I heard he plan to put the white house on top of the moon so you can now believe the saying he is the man on the moon!
The person above me is actually made of granite. She looks normal and her body feels like flesh(as if she'd let you touch her) but she is actually a Rock Monster disguising herself as a human. Don't let the monster part scare you though she is actually very sweet just solid
The person above me is a bus driver. On the weekends he steals the bus and throws crazy parties on it. He charges $25 to party on the bus. But if your hot he'll only charge $15.
the person above me owns the pub the person above her orders the drinks to for his parties.
The person above me is not a person but a transformer that was once a computer and because the owner of the computer loves MDL so much the computer got jealous and transformed into a robot trying to take over the forum!
lol the person above me is their agent and handle this transformer.. robot by day and human by night, trying to find their missing spare parts. & because this robot failed to take over the forum. She punished them and sent them to red district, so the robot can take over that place. & for that She now the proud owner of new warehouse 36....
The person above me wishes they were batman because of their love for bats and men!!
The person above me told me she'd marry me if i reach 3000 post. Once i reached 3000 she took back her promise and made it 5000. She'll probably just change it again but i keep hoping and posting
the person above is a real-life version of Ranma Saotome
The person above me stole the script for Heirs because she couldn't wait for the drama to air.
The person above stalks Lee Min Ho and collects strands of his hair
The person above me lives on the moon.