hahahahahaha lol that's a nice one the person above me is trying to shut my talking table by threatening her with Ej stinky socks
The person above me is going to be arrested for stealing in 3...2...1....jk that was never going to happen. The person above me is a World famous Superstar!
The person above me is trying to cause a scandal with the superstar above her
the person above me is one of my fans and she is in hair fight with person above her
The person above me married the super star
The person above me is the paparazzi who follows the couple around
the person above me is a paparazzi serial killer ,, that to make the rumours more famous
The person above me is a psychopath...
LOl that's not a lie the person above me was once kidnaped by a creepy man and he is now begging her to go back home
Hahahaha...That's no lie either...Hahahah!!! The person above is the leader of an anti-stink army called the ZOMRITS and is on a mission to annihilate all the stinky smells from this earth in order to save their noses from dying!
zan wrote: LOl that's not a lie

the person above me was once kidnaped by a creepy man and he is now begging her to go back home

the person above me may call me creepy for borrowing(not kidnapping) shambles and having her play out drama scenes with me, but in actuality would like to join as the second lead.
The person above me considers kidnapping as borrowing and after 'borrowing' shambles has realised that shambles is completely bonkers and wants to give her back but finds out that there is no return or refund policy and so is stuck with her
This 3 people above me is in cahoots and planning to kidnapped and buried someone behind there backyards..
the person above me has caught on to our plan for her birthday surprise
shambles wrote: Hahahaha...That's no lie either...Hahahah!!!

The person above is the leader of an anti-stink army called the ZOMRITS and is on a mission to annihilate all the stinky smells from this earth in order to save their noses from dying!

hahahahahah lol the person above is the leader of our army and the one who supplying is with weapons " perfume"