Last Christmas I gave the person above me my heart But the very next day, she gave it away This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special
lol nice one.. the person above me is happy that he give his heart to a new person today and he is the Wham new member :p
the person above me is Wham new manager and she promises to make us bigger than the Beatles
The person above me is a big fan of the 80s
Stop that man!!!!!! The person above me just shot the president
The person above me is OJ Simpson impersonator..
The person above can rub his head and pat his stomach at the same time.
The person above is Married to Goo Jun Pyo
the person above me officiated the ceremony
The Person above me is scared of rats.:p
the person above eat a mouse through her nose
the person above me use straw to sucked the rats blood
The person above me is the daughter of the people in her avatar
lol hi Ezei.. The person above is too busy that he almost forget my name..
the person above me's nick name is Ej1v1k but her legal name is Elizabeth I Think Thisguy2011 Is the Greatest Rapper In The World Tengku