My job is to watch the monkey in the circus
gaj10 wrote: My job is to watch the monkey in the circus

मा लाई परीवरतन अथवा देलेते एउटा शब्द ात एउटा समय शाथी छ.
LOL did u just confess to me!?
Ej101 wrote: LOL did u just confess to me!?

Eh????? I.....mean..........sure:)
Thisguy2011 wrote: Eh????? I.....mean..........sure:)

LOL i know!!!

so what now? start all over again but this time do it w/ a twist so it more funnier and interesting.. still the same RULES but more on naughty and annoying and irresponsible answer lol

I start..

Ok sounds good Sexy cats
my sexy cats won't dance with
my sexy cats won't dance with anyone
my sexy cats won't dance with anyone who
my sexy cats won't dance with just anyone who
my sexy naughty cats wont dance with just anyone who...
my sexy naughty cats wont dance with just anyone so