Guilty or Innocent

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Oh fun, I was too busy with the whole "guilty or innocent" thing to pay attention to the actual game, I was playing it wrong. Guilty, I've been told I say quite the weird stuff. Dropping dramas without even watching 1 whole episode.

Shit this is me... 

Guilty (I think)

TNP licked their lips when someone started talking about dry lips.

innocent (I think? )

tnp has insomnia

Majorly guilty

TNP has a guilty pleasure drama they're hesitant to tell people about


tnp is a 90s baby

Guilty ay

TNP listens to at least one second generation idol


TNP has seen all of the U-Prince series


TNP always go to bed late


TNP has never dropped a drama before.

Guilty (I usually just put off finishing them).  

TNP picks up a new drama when they start to get bored with one they are currently watching.  


TNP watches a drama even though it's boring  till the end because of the cast.


TNP looks up the age of his/her celebrity crush to see how big their age-gap is.

Guilty (especially the younger ones)

TNP enjoys c dramas more than k dramas

Guilty... I watch more k but c definitely has a different charm to it 

TNP has seen at least one movie and/or drama from every country listed on MDL


tnp is scared of the dark