before I die I will produce shambles one woman show
Before i die i want to make a lots of friends
Before I die I want to visit South Korea
Before I die I Want To Visit Mecca <3
Before i die i will share with all of you my secret to the immortality
Before I die I want to find out the secret to ThisGuy2011's immortality.
before I die I want to read all these funny death wishes  
before i die, let me at least step my feet on japan
Before i die, i wanna do something recklessly
Before i die, i want to know all knowledge, when i say all, i mean it ALL XD
Before I die, I want to be like a newborn baby (w/out any sins) :) 
before I die I want to live right 
Before i die...i want to be satisfied with my life
Before I die I want to change :3
Before I die I want to find the elixir of immortality xD