As season two emerges, and as we prepare to mourn, let's share your poems, thoughts and writing or a tribute in any artform. 

Looking forward to your eulogies.

The willow towers on a mound of flesh

The willow towers on a mound of flesh 

drenched in battle, crimson-gore.

His shimmering silver strands of longing dances, 

stretching for miles.

Each strand searching for a slice of solace 

in the wind, uncontrollably.

A red thread ties his heart to the present, 

a gift from the heavens.

His beloved drowns in a jar of wine, hoping to wash away 

his reflection from her eyes.

While he faces the cries of a thousand soldiers, 

she cries unable to hold onto him.

As the flames of war rage, she throws her body 

at another, smoldering her longing.

flesh on flesh

His body seeps into Mother Earth's bosom, 

long perished.

Her heart seeks his presence upon ocean pearls, 

among the Siren songs.

The willow sleeps upon a mound of black ash, 

drenched in the poisons of love.

Your poem is so beautiful like a moonlight yet so painful like a lonely moon..

Awwwww new Xiang Liu thread ♥ 

I can't write but I'll start sharing my drawings :D


Your poem is so beautiful like a moonlight yet so painful like a lonely moon..

Thank you.


Awwwww new Xiang Liu thread ♥ 

I can't write but I'll start sharing my drawings :D

YES YES more art! ♥️

Beautiful poem. Keep sharing all the arts!

An ode for the willow

Passing on by

For hundreds of
years, have I

Eyes on lips
Fangs on neck
I yearn.

My wandering

Was all to
To spoil

My Fair lady,
If I told

What overcome
Arrow shards left

Love at first
Sight, have you

Yet, I crave
In the warmest

The fruits
Of what remains

My siren,
How I long