continued from

How to play: change only one of the letters in a word to make a new word, OR you can also subtract/add a letter from it. You may only change either one at a time to avoid confusion. No rearranging letters, unless you're stuck and you can't think of any other word. 

For example:





Edit: (requested by Multiverse)

1) players are to form a legitimate word that can be found in a English words Dictionary .

2) players are to make / form ONLY English words. And not from any other European language.

3) players are requested not to form any slangs but a formal decent word.

4) players are not supposed to repeat the words that are written in atleast 5 previous posts .

5) players are not supposed to jump someone’s word

5) players are not supposed to reply to their own words

7) all the players are requested to abide the rules of the game.

8) players are requested to maintain the harmony in this thread.

the last word was:
