
You're thinking of astronomy, not astrology.   Astrology is along the lines of daily horoscopes and tarot cards.

Oh. Lol. Sorry. I didn't even realize. Thanks for pointing that out. That's embarrassing. I'll fix it.


9.  Forever and Ever

You would be 10. The last poster posted two answers. You can choose a topic now :)

10 dramas that start out as a comedy but end up being quite serious/sad

1. Possessed It started out as a funny rom com detective story. Then around the 10th episode, it got serious and eventually in the end, the leads and every major character dies. And I mean everyone.

2. Work Later, Drink now

5. It's Okay that's Love

Oh no, trust me it's filled with comedy. I've seen it three times, though everyone has different tastes in comedy, so maybe it was funny to me and not others. Though the comedy does die down obviously, or I wouldn't have put it.

Goblin is definitely comedy. It is the first genre listed on MDL

7. A Korean Odyssey

8. Mystic Pop-Up Bar

9. Uncontrollably Fond

10. Girl2K 

10 drama/movies with second chance tags

1. 5515 Never Too Late

2. Turn Left Turn Right