Juniko wrote: LAW 42 (the answer to all existential questions.) : To make sure that female viewers won't feel vexed over sexism in dramas, the male lead will be neat freak and the girl is allowed to be as messy as she wants !

hehehe that one is a reality in my life lol I am a slob and my husband was a neatfreak and the same goes for my daughter, her husband does all the cleaning lol but she does cook :D
The lead character will always be starving, but refuse to say so. However, their growling stomach can be heard by all!
goldenseal50 wrote: Law 41: ( taken from Japanese and chinese dramas ) Arousal (thinking someone is hot) causes a nosebleed O.o this is usually seen in secondary characters and comedies.

Yeah, it's a cultural thing. When your nose bleeds, you must be thinking dirty thoughts. Also, you may have noticed that when someone is bad-mouthing an individual it will cut to that individual sneezing. It's the same as the old wives tale about your ears ringing. "My ears are ringing, someone must be talking about me" lol

In Japan it's sneezing. XD
You can't miss the always wonderful, "Something your parents did years ago makes me angry with you now, relationship off."
Love this thread....Has anyone mentioned the arm grab. After an argument the lead girl must always walk close enough pass the guy so that he can grab her arm to stop her. Or if you're a nice guy you will definitely not get the girl.
I have another one. LAW 43: HOSPITAL SCENES!! Someone always ends up going to the hospital for the smallest things, like a cough. But, whether it's serious or not, there has to be a hospital scene in every drama.
Doremeduck wrote: I have another one.
LAW 43: HOSPITAL SCENES!! Someone always ends up going to the hospital for the smallest things, like a cough. But, whether it's serious or not, there has to be a hospital scene in every drama.

saying that, I always wondered what was with that. a simple fever and its off to the hospital. I mean I could understand if your immune system was low like a little girl in one drama who had blood poisioning and her immune system was really low. She could get really ill if she isn't treated. See i could understand going to hospital for that reason but a healthy person rushed off because of a feve or a cold because they stood out in the rain is just silly XD
LAW 44 : If you're from the countryside, then one of your parents ( and/or yourself) must be selling food on the street
LAW 45 : Overaegyoing is a must !

yes, I just made that word up....
Juniko wrote: LAW 45 : Overaegyoing is a must !

yes, I just made that word up....

what does it mean lmao?
kdramamad wrote: what does it mean lmao?

Excessive, usually to the point of being ridiculous, amounts of aegyo
this one is not part of drama story lines it is part of casting Law 46 if we say that 37 year old actor is 17 you must believe us....this is my pet peeve.
You never have to pay for a taxi in Korea they are free (apparently) I have yet to see anyone pay a taxi driver when they get out of a cab in any drama i have ever seen :)
RainFlower wrote: You never have to pay for a taxi in Korea they are free (apparently) I have yet to see anyone pay a taxi driver when they get out of a cab in any drama i have ever seen :)

lol only poor people pay..or try to lol
asian women shall be capible of performing ANY task in heels, be it running w/arms full, climbing really tall stairs, jumping fences, i say ANY task, except walking. any Asian woman who attempts to simply walk in heels at a normal pace down a flat surface carrying absolutely nothing will mistep and hurt her ankle in a way that will prevent her from walking for no more than 8 hrs, no less than 20 minutes. anyone else ever wonder what's in those creams and pain patches they use that unsprains an ankle is less than half a day??