The first time that I was introduced with this genre, I have doubts whether I would like it or I will be cringing by the end of the story. why? Basically, it tells of a gay relationship between boys and that I wasn't really familiar with how the relationship works between two male leads. Please don't get me wrong, I don't have any qualms with the LGBT world but I am most familiar with relationship between girls and that I never really have nothing against it.  

From the point of view of a person who usually watches regular dramas and shows, I never expected to fall in love with the story line of each BL dramas which I've watched and never expected to learn a lot of lessons from the said dramas.  Here are some list of BL dramas that I have fallen into:

a.) HIStory: Boundary Crossing (Taiwan)

          - the first ever BL Drama I've watched. It never exceed my expectations since the plots are so dense, the story line is somewhat lacking plus the actors are somewhat uncomfortable acting.  But still it got my attention to complete the story till the end, and I will definitely say that it perk my interest to look for more stories with genres and topics that are related with BL. It really made me more curious and interested between the said relationship.

b.) Addicted Heroin (China)

         - this was the BL series that really struck me and fell in love with. I never expected that this will have a big impact on me why? It gave me a realization that love really has no gender....we shouldn't  put labels on love such as that love should be only for man and a woman..I really love the story line, the actors acting as Bai Lou Yin and Gu Hai, and also the whole cast. Its just sad to note that China banned the second season of it. 

c.) SOTUS the Series and SOTUS S the Series

       - I fell in love with Arthit and Kongphob, the lessons they impart to the viewers after the end of each series. Love the actors who portray the main leads. Waiting for Season 3. 

d.) 2 Moons the Series

       - Cute Story, love the actors portraying  Wayo and Phana...waiting for Season 2 of this.

e.) Lovesick the Series 1 and 2

       - Phun and Noh are cute!

f.) Waterboyy the Series

g.) Make it Right the Series 1 and 2

         - the story taught us how to be strong when problems arises since there are friends and loved who will continue to support beside us. I love Frame and Book here!

h.) Love by Chance

          - currently airing

There are so much more to mention but all in all, this BL Series gave me the realization that whether you are a boy or a girl, you have all the rights to fall in love to any person of your choice. That happiness really is a choice. That LOVE really should have no label and that LOVE has NO GENDER! 

Well said. I'm currently watching Together With Me and seeing the one character struggle with his feelings makes me so emotional. I understand how he feels since I went through the same thing. 

When I see some of the scenes these guys have together... I can't understand why people would think it's wrong. They just look so happy.

Next up I'll be watching Love by Chance while I wait for Together With Me Next Chapter to begin.

I like SOTUS and SOTUS S because personally, I can relate to the main characters, especially to Arthit. When Arthit was outed in his workplace, that struck a chord in me since I had the same experience. :/ They are also the most realistic depiction of M2M relationship in Southeast Asia for me, based on experience. 

BLs also taught me a lot, but I have issues with some of them having unrealistic depictions, however. 

I'm glad you get the message BLs try to deliver. Cheers! :)

lol, I get what you're saying about unrealistic depictions, but that's one of the things I like about them. The Thai dramas are generally happy and positive. They're my go-to shows when I'm feeling down :D

Sometimes it's so cute I sit there giggling like a school girl.

Generally, I have no problems with happy and positive depictions since that what we need and yearn for. Some BLs, however, manage to still make the audience squeal and feel giddy while still being realistic, and that's what I like. Together With Me and SOTUS are the best examples here. 

Does anyone have any recommendations of bl dramas or cartoon scenes where one of the guys is pinned down with his arms by his side or above his head or if he is pushed against a wall. Or any drama with a dominant guy and a submissive guy with scenes where the submissive guy is pushed around a lot? Thanks