Hey there everyone! I need your help with some of the asian languages... I just moved into a new place and I have a pretty empty wall above my bed, so I decided to write one sentence on it in different languages... I was thinking about: "Fly with broken Wings" Because this is a quote which accompanied my my whole life... So, can you help me translate??? I'd love to have it in Englisch of course (I already do^^), German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean (The last 3 in characters AND the pronunciation) at least... If you are from a country with a different language, I'd love to hear that quote in your language too... Maybe I will add it if it sounds nice to me! :) Thanks for your help!!! Tem <3
Spanish: Volar con las alas rotas Dutch: Vliegen met gebroken vleugels French: Voler avec des ailes brisées (native language so no worry about that one xD) Japanese: Kowareta tsubasa de tobu (壊れた翼で飛ぶ) that's all I can tell you ^^' though for Spanish and Dutch I'm not 100 % sure EDIT: just noticed that I forgot to put the article in the Spanish translation :x
Roumanian: Zboara cu aripi frante (I think it will be a little hard with the pronuntation but oh well, heee it is^^
Well I can contribute with Slovak: "lietať so zlomenými krídlami" and Czech (as it is soooo similiar LOL) : "létat se zlomenými křídly" if you are interested.
Wow, that was quick!!! Thanks a lot so far, it's great!!!! <3 Can't wait for more now!!! :3
Nice idea! In italian: Volare con le ali spezzate
German: Fliege mit gebrochenen Flügeln.
Really, THANK YOU, all of you! It's perfect! :) Still looking for the Chinese and the Korean one...? Anyone??? (*_*)
Korean: Pureojin nal'gero nal'da (부러진 날개로 날다) (I'm not sure); Russian: Letat' so slomannymi kryl'yami (Летать со сломанными крыльями)
well in Arabic its: Teer bjenah maksoor and in French: Voler avec des ailes brisées
Bengali: Ure jaai vaanga daanai (উড়ে যায় ভাঙ্গা ডানায়)
Thanks again!!! Can anyone tell me if the Korean one is right? Because I have also heard: 부러진 날래로 날아올라 Can somebody please tell my the difference to 부러진 날개로 날다? I really need to start learning korean... (TT.TT)