First Jdrama was -Sexy voice and robo! ... IT WAS AWESOME
First Kdrama was - Coffee Prience!
First Jdrama: Hana Kimi
First Tdrama: Hana Kimi (haha)
First Kdrama: Coffee Prince (although I finished Boys Before Flowers first)
I haven't seen too many yet, but I'm working on it (:
i can't remember my first k-drama coz i saw lots at our local tv station back when i was little. i think my first j-drama is gokusen and my first taiwan drama is meteor garden. :D
first kdrama - Autumn in my heart
first tdrama - Meteor GArden
First jdrama - yet to start :D
K-Drama: Boys Before Flowers
J-Drama: Hana Yori Dango
T-Drama: It Started With A Kiss

Technically, my first T-Drama should actually be Meteor Garden (that'd be pretty cool too, all three of my first dramas being different versions of the same drama), but I put that one on hold after three episodes since I discovered new K-Dramas and got addicted to them, so I never really got to finish MG although I am planning to in the future.
1st J-drama~Hana Yori Dango
1st K-drama~You're Beautiful
1st T-drama~MARS
I got interested in dramas because I finished reading the manga Hana Yori Dango and I started to hear about Asian dramas based on manga and I was interested so I searched where I could watch Hana Yori Dango and I went to dramacrazy and watched it. Then I started watching other various dramas and I needed somewhere to organize the Asian movies and dramas I've been watching so I just happened to come across this website. (So much more convenient than bookmarking pages to remember what episode I'm on) From this website I've branched out to watching Korean and Taiwanese dramas.
My first

KDrama: A Love To Kill - loved the drama but not the ending
TDrama: Autum's Concerto - loved it & the ending
JDrama : ???? will let you know when I watch one :D
my first
jDrama: Oshin
kDrama: (I don't know..but maybe) autumn in my heart
tDrama: meteor garden

ah..i didnt remember oshin before make my list on this
i can't really remember the story, actually..-i was really still a little kid at that moment-
well,,my first jdrama when i big enough to remember the story was ordinary people or tokyo love story - i cant remember which one was first..i watched them respectively
1st J-Drama (and 1st drama, period): Hana Yori Dango
1st K-Drama: You're Beautiful
1st T-Drama: Er, started Easy Fortune Happy Life and dropped it and haven't gotten around to trying any others...

Like many others, I started with anime and manga and like the person a bit above me, it was Hana Yori Dango that led me into dramas. Life soon got swamped around then and I dropped anime/manga/drama/thewholeshebang, but recently I've been getting back into dramas, particularly Korean ones. I probably won't get back to anime...I seem to have lost my taste for it somewhere along the way XD
I think it was either Great Teacher Onizuka or Papa to Musume no Nanokakan for Japanese dramas. I haven't seen any asian culture dramas besides Japanese. I think Godhand Teru what drove me to look for more.
Very first drama was You're Beautiful
1st J-drama and first drama ever - Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (This show gets put down a lot because I guess it's not for everybody, but I loved it. I loved the anime-like ridiculousness of it and got me hooked on dramas).

1st K-drama and 2nd drama ever - My Girlfriend Is Gumiho - Also fell head over heels for this one. I wasn't hooked before then I was defnitely a drama addict after this one!

1st and only T-drama - Hi My Sweetheart - I loved it! It was soo good! But I haven't tried any other T-dramas yet. They're a little bit goofier than the rest. At least with the openings.
1st jdrama: Hana Yori Dango (and first drama, for that matter)
1st kdrama: Full House or My Girl (I don't remember which because I watched them at the same tieme)
1st tdrama: Devil Beside You