first kdrama: Coffee Prince <3
first jdrama: Kurosagi <3
first twdrama: Fated to Love You
first cdrama: Fall in Love

I started watching Kdramas first. One of my korean friends was watching Coffee Prince at the time and couldn't stop talking about it. I never understood what she was talking about, so I figured I'd start watching it just to understand why the hell she sounded like she was on crack or something. Well, then I got addicted....and here I am!
First JDrama: Zettai Kareshi (hated the main actress, but the drama was OK, though after finishing it I decided not to watch Japanese dramas...who could know I would find Hana Kimi some months later :P)
First KDrama Boys Before Flowers (big fan of Hana Yori Dango, couldn't miss it :D)
First TwDrama Mars (didn't like the main actress (do you already think I'm a hater? Dooon't (T_T) I could hardly watch it till the end, though it's based on my most favourite manga...and it started the tradition of leaving TwDramas dropped...just like that).

I started with JDramas...then TwDramas...then KDramas :) Haven't watched CDramas, KDramas keep me busy :D
I dowload almost all the dramas, looove to rewatch them :D Yup...Crazy drama watcher I am!
First JDrama: Kimi wa Petto (really liked it after that i found Hana Kimi and couldnt stop watchind jdramas)
First Kdrama: Boys befor Flowers (i only watched it because of Hana yori dango and after that i watched more kdrama than jdrama)
First twdrama: Devil beside you
I also watched a thai drama "Love never dies" but i don`t think i will watch another one.
I was aware of Asian movies before dramas - I used to watch all the old Jackie Chan movies and then Jet Li's. Then one evening SBS Australia showed a movie called Turn Left Turn Right - and I was hooked! But I had to wait for the TV stations to play shows so I didn't get much exposure to other movies.
Then my sister bought me the set of Fruits Basket manga and lent me her copy of Ouran which progressed to online manga and some anime. My sister also insisted I watch Hana Kimi (Japanese) and her DVDs sat next to my TV for half a year before I finally took the plunge.
Why did I waste so much time?
Now I wonder how I made it through life for so many years without Asian dramas/movies and am extremely thankful for the internet and the wonderful people dedicated to adding subtitles.
The first asian drama that I ever watched was the jdrama Hana Kimi. I was introduced to it by a friend of mine who was from Japan. She was addicted to the show and thought I would like it... She was right... I loved it and we ended up tuning in every week and watching together. Because of the fact that many of the actors in jdramas are also in jpop groups I then started listening to Jpop religiously. For the next couple of years I watched whatever jdrama's caught my eye but I refused to watch any kdramas (I don't know why) until Your Beautiful came out. The storyline looked like something I would really enjoy so finally I gave in and watched it. It is now my favorite show... Period!... From there started the Korean Pop Culture Madness... now I spead most of my available free time either listening to Kpop (my fave groups are Big Bang, CN Blue, and B2ST among others) and watching Kdramas as well as a few Korean Movies... I am pretty sure it is more than an obsession for me (and many of my friends agree)... I still make time once in a while for some jdrama and jpop groups though. It has gotten to the point that I am starting to learn both Japanese and Korean so I can understand what they are saying and don't have to wait for the vids to be subbed to watch them.
First Jdrama: Hana Kimi
First Kdrama: Boys over flowers
First Twdrama: Hana Kimi(Taiwan)

Well I read "Hana Kimi", the manga first, and ended up watching the drama as well. It was the most hilarious thing I'd ever seen, and I was hooked. I watched Hana Yori Dango next(Oguri Shun <3 ). I ended up watching BOF because everyone just kept comparing the 2 versions. Guess I've never looked back after that! :)
Figurethree wrote: First KDrama: Personal Taste
First JDrama: Hana Yori Dango
First TDrama: Devil Beside You

I started watching dramas about a year ago, in the summer of 2010. I used to watch American shows on Hulu allllllllll the time and they had the ad for Personal Taste on the homepage. I read the synopsis and thought it sounded interesting and before I knew it I finished the drama in two days. I think Personal Taste was one of the first Kdramas on Hulu. Anyways, I decided to look up more about korean dramas and watched Boys Before Flowers cause Lee Min Ho was in it, and it all started from there. I became an addict. My first Jdrama, Hana Yori Dango, was because I wanted to watch the japanese version of BOF. I've seen a few more jdramas since then. And I happened to come across Devil Beside You and took a go at it. It was pretty good but I've only seen a handful of Tdramas such as DBY and ISWAK and TKA and Meteor Garden I. That's it. I'm still way more comfortable in the Kdrama world. I've started to branch out a little into anime and manga. I'm in the middle of reading Ouran High School Host Club and watching Kaichou wa Maid-sama!.

Anyways, that's my story of how I became a asian drama addict.

This is kinda off topic but whos that guy in ur display pic? is he in any dramas?
n my first ever drama was yamato nadeshiko shichi henge :D
I have watched over 200 korean & japanese drama so far. I've started to watch korean drama since 2003 & japanese drama since 1998.
It have been a long history for me. I also watch TVB Drama(hong kong).

First Korean Drama: Winter Sonata (2002)
First Japanese Drama: Beach Boys - Takashi Sorimachi & Yutaka takenouchi
First TVB Drama: Burning Flame (1998)

Basically my sisters are the one who influenced me to watch drama. Now, I have become more addict to drama than my sisters.
My 1st tdrama is METEOR GARDEN
My 1st jdrame is GOKUSEN
My 1st kdrama is AUTUMN IN MY HEART
My romance with Asian drama I never know existed started with METEOR GARDEN and JERRY YAN. I love this series so much that I also didn't fail to watch METEOR GARDEN 2, METEOR RAIN, etc . . . and Jerry Yan's latest DOWN WITH LOVE. Jerry Yan truly opened my eyes to a lot more exciting world of Asian drama. My interest with him led me to watch AUTUMN IN MY HEART from Korea which is more dramatic in nature and from then on I never came to watch our local dramas here in my country. They all failed in comparison. What is more interesting is that i'm now hooked with Jdrama which started via GOKUSEN and from then on never failed to watch KAMENASHI KAZUYA's series or movie. I wouldn't not exchange him from anything. Now I'm so happy that I can surf the internet with the latest drama series or movies from Taiwan, Korea and Jpan. <3
First Jdrama: Hana Kimi
First KDrama: Winter Sonata
First TDrama: Zhan Shen (also known as "Mars")

Like the others I started watching anime at the age of 11.. I'm gonna have my 20 in a few months O_O I'm old lol
Then I'd say 3 years ago I watched a live action movie, it was really new for me.. and I didn't really enjoy it xD but than I watched Hana Kimi a few months ago.. and it became a drug :3 I don't really have much time at the moment but I want to watch as many as possible.. I'm still new
I'm watching Zhan Shen at the moment, and it's really good, I read the manga 2 years ago I think, and I really love the story. The drama is also great, even if I have a few problems with the names.. I'm not used to the taiwanese language yet..

PS: Sry for my english TwT;
First Jdrama : Nobuta wa produce
First Kdrama : Boys before flower
Fist Twdrama : It started with a kiss
(i'm not sure what was my first j and k drama can't remember it exactly :P)
when i was watching the anime itzura na kiss i saw there was an live motion of it in Taiwanese version so i started to watch it and that is how it began mine addiction for dramas ^_^
My first Jdrama was Hana Kimi. My first Kdrama was You're beautiful. My first Tdrama was Devil beside you but i never finished it. And i tried to watch Autumn Concerto but i stopped it as well.
This three series led me to my Asian Drama romance ~ and added colours to my rather boring life.
For me METEOR GARDEN (TAIWAN) started my romance with the Asian Drama. It opens the gate to a lot of quality movies and series from Taiwan, Korea, Japan and now Thailand. I can watched a series of 20 chapters in 2 days sitting non-stop. hahaha! U can see from my drama list (some of which are stl unrecorded) how addicted I am to Asian Drama.
hmmm.... my first drama was hana kimi. I came across it randomly on youtube. haha so weird but that's how my addiction began. ;P