
My fellow historians and lovers of mythology!!! Please lend a hand! 

.... does Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms take place around the same time as Legend of Shen Li in mythology? I just realized the settings, political make up, and state of the gods is very similar.

- both have only one ancient god left who does not actually rule the heavens
- most ancient gods have become formless to reconnect with nature
- there are only a few official realms (shenli: extranatural heavens, heavenly realm, immortal realm, mortal realm. tmopb: dragon tribe (heavenly realm), pheonix tribe, and nin-tailed fox tribe, mortal realm

If anyone could point me out to good reading material about this period in the chronology of chinese mythology, id be really interested!! I really want to understand the foundational material for these two dramas if there is any. 

Please don't take me as an expert, but I don't think there's a chronology to the mythology in cdramas (speaking of xianxia, not of dramas (mainly) set in the mortal realm). I think it's about how the writers build their worlds. They might be inspired by each other's works or by a certain mythological thread, but I don't think it can be organised into a timeline. It's different from Western fantasy (which I grew up with) because Western fantasy worlds are less similar to each other while the Chinese fantasy settings often operate by very similar basic sets of rules and also settings.

(Btw how many millions of years would have passed for all those different gods of war and heavenly crown princes to fit in? And how old, exactly, is Si Ming? I know that's not your point, but has anyone ever calculated that? Thinking about it, a hypothetical timeline might be quite interesting!)

Of course, everyone who knows better or just disagrees is welcome to enlighten me ;)

Sadly, the only reading material I can refer to is a book of Chinese fairy tales and folk tales I bought a few years ago, the tales of which I suspect to have been edited by well-meaning Western publishers. Apart from that, I definitely don't know more than the wikipedia bibliography for Chinese creation myths (if you want to take an academic approach)...

Bossy Husband Who Loved Me 6/10

Seal of Love 5/10

Supervisor Husband 8/10

The Origin of Eternity 6/10

Zhang Gong Zhu Zai Shang 4/10

Wanting to share a couple new banners I made for the Historical Dramas Club. Free to use. Giving credit when you use them on your profile is not necessary, but would be nice. <3 

Drama: Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact

Drama: Moonlight Mystique

Drama: Secrets of the Shadow Sect

Drama: A Moment but Forever

Drama: The Last Immortal

I've yet to watch any of these dramas but the banners are lovely <3

OMG those banners are so beautiful


I've yet to watch any of these dramas but the banners are lovely <3

Can wholeheartedly recommend Secrets of the Shadow Sect. One of my favorite Short Length Series. :)


OMG those banners are so beautiful

Thank you! <3

Dong Lan Xue 4/10

Song of the Dynasty 6/10

The Deliberations of Love 7/10

Thousands of Years of Love 8/10

Yes, Her Majesty 6/10

Wanting to share a couple new banners I made for the Historical Dramas Club. Free to use. Giving credit is not necessary, but would be nice. <3 

Little late but I just saw your post and I'll give you credit because they are  really nice! Personally I like the one with Bai Lu the most <3 Tnx for posting 

I'd like to join! Been watching historical dramas for forever. My first historical was Princess Wei Young and I loved it.

Thousands of Years of Love 8/10

Hi Hosh! Promise I'm not following you! haha. This drama looks like a story I would love to watch!

Hi there American Fan hahaha

I usually don't watch a lot of short historical stuff, but in my funk I have and this one's pretty good.

 American Fan:

I'd like to join! Been watching historical dramas for forever. My first historical was Princess Wei Young and I loved it.

Hi Hosh! Promise I'm not following you! haha. This drama looks like a story I would love to watch!



Little late but I just saw your post and I'll give you credit because they are  really nice! Personally I like the one with Bai Lu the most <3 Tnx for posting 

You're welcome. Happy to hear you like them. :) 

I'm finally watching my first Bai Lu drama Till The End of the Moon and like it so far. ^^

Hello there! I'd like to join! 

And I didn't wanna spam the chat with a long reply but JulyMoon, wow, those banners are beautiful! Thank you for making them! So glad to see one of Secrets of the Shadow Sect, defs using! 

I'm finally watching my first Bai Lu drama Till The End of the Moon and like it so far.

I've put TTEotM on hold bc the CGI was too much for me at that time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  but I do hope you enjoy till the very end :)

 American Fan:
I'd like to join! Been watching historical dramas for forever. My first historical was Princess Wei Young and I loved it

Hello there! I'd like to join! 

Hi there and welcome !