In May I completed Love Destiny, my first non-Chinese historical; it was an early club recommendation - you can read MusicalVeggie's excellent write-up here. I enjoyed it a lot - the story, setting, historical background, food scenes, everything. I'm still firmly in love with Chinese historicals but this one was a breath of fresh air. 

I also binged The Long Ballad in May and what a wonderful ride that was; my only complaint is that there wasn't more of it ;)

I'm currently watching Noble Aspirations, which I'm hoping to finish by mid-month because it's back to school for me then. I'm slowly getting back my reading mojo so I'm spending less time on dramas and, with coursework around the corner, that little time will be even more pinched. My loose goal for now is to clear out my CW list and complete a few dramas from my On Hold list before I start watching anything new.

Thank you for your insight!! The reason I hadn't included this drama on the HDC First page with the Currently Airing is that I've (mistakenly?) thought it would mostly be about later times, 1950-1960-1970+, and I've stated in our HDC definitions that I'd include dramas that are set max in the 1940s-1950s (anything more recent & it would be weird to call them historicals, since there are, quite possibly, living individuals/MDL members born & raised during those times)… 

No problem.  Not everything fits on the front page.  I'm just sharing in case anyone is interested in  seeing their favourite actors in one or more episodes.  There are 20+ stories anyway and not all are the same :)


This drama is really heavy stuff, 1 episode one story...and it's what estelll says it's more propaganda then.......but I love the story's on them self's. btw the west also propagates in a different jacket though :)) I like it a lot just to watch so once in a while, it's certainly not a binger for me! The production team went all out...and I think it's all well executed :)

Yup, it's a bit similar to Together / With You, about the pandemic last year.  I think the stories about the modern era is more fun as they touch on economic reforms, so I'll be waiting for the whole drama to complete airing, then I can jump around the stories :D

I finished Joy of Life last week and then gobbled up Goblin and now I'm started into Ever Night.  I can't seem to stop listening to the song "Darkness" (the male singer version) so that's slowed me right down on watching the show itself.  I'm still at the "falling in love" stage of things with these series in general and so I can't really understand yet why they have so utterly captivated me these past months.  Each one has really impacted me deeply in one way or another and they feel more like an opportunity for self reflection than escapism.  I've never cried so hard at any of the NA shows I've watched over my lifetime or felt such an inexplicable kinship with the characters/stories as I'm getting to experience now.  What an amazing journey to get to go on!!

I really want to watch the long ballad. Can someone please update me on the ending? is it a happy one? We are in lockdown again and i dont think i can cope with a sad ending.

 Its You:

I really want to watch the long ballad. Can someone please update me on the ending? is it a happy one? We are in lockdown again and i dont think i can cope with a sad ending.

Yes, it is

If you have any more questions about the drama, feel free to ask here, but the comments section is also a good place! Everyone is very nice there and will be able to answer all your questions!


I finished Joy of Life last week and then gobbled up Goblin and now I'm started into Ever Night.  I can't seem to stop listening to the song "Darkness" (the male singer version) so that's slowed me right down on watching the show itself.  I'm still at the "falling in love" stage of things with these series in general and so I can't really understand yet why they have so utterly captivated me these past months.  Each one has really impacted me deeply in one way or another and they feel more like an opportunity for self reflection than escapism.  I've never cried so hard at any of the NA shows I've watched over my lifetime or felt such an inexplicable kinship with the characters/stories as I'm getting to experience now.  What an amazing journey to get to go on!!

I totally feel you!!! Somehow for me it's both, I feel more kinship with these characters in these dramas, but also it's now my go-to way to indulge & get sucked deep into a story (for escapism & enjoyment). As for self-reflection, that depends on the drama, and of course the life experiences & temperament of each of us. :)

When I first came here, I never watched a historical drama. But, now I watched one :D

Secondly, the first day I came here, I asked for some recommendations & clearly stated No time travel. But, now that I think about it, I am going to break another record that is of dropping time travel historical dramas.

So, I have decided to watch The Eternal Love since its short. If I like it, I'll explore more time travel historical dramas :)


When I first came here, I never watched a historical drama. But, now I watched one :D

Secondly, the first day I came here, I asked for some recommendations & clearly stated No time travel. But, now that I think about it, I am going to break another record that is of dropping time travel historical dramas.

So, I have decided to watch The Eternal Love since its short. If I like it, I'll explore more time travel historical dramas :)

Have you tried Splash Splash LOVE? It's even shorter, only 2 episodes, and it's cute & funny!! :)))


Have you try Splash Splash LOVE? It's even shorter, only 2 episodes, and it's cute & funny!! :)))

No I haven't. But great! It will be a good start since its short :D thanks!!

Secondly, the first day I came here, I asked for some recommendations & clearly stated No time travel. But, now that I think about it, I am going to break another record that is of dropping time travel historical dramas.

This club made me watch my first time travel drama (Love Destiny) and it was great.  I have a serious aversion to time travel (in both books and shows/movies); it's so bad that I'll be reading a synopsis of a drama and I'm liking what I'm reading so far, but as soon as I see the words time travel, all interest flies away and I immediately shut down the page. After watching Love Destiny, though, I'm more open to considering them in the future. 


This club made me watch my first time travel drama (Love Destiny) and it was great.  I have a serious aversion to time travel (in both books and shows/movies); it's so bad that I'll be reading a synopsis of a drama and I'm liking what I'm reading so far, but as soon as I see the words time travel, all interest flies away and I immediately shut down the page. After watching Love Destiny, though, I'm more open to considering them in the future. 

Lol that's the same case for me! I like the plot I am reading but when I see the tag Time Travel, "Uhhh...not my type" lol but I decide to give it a chance! Thanks to this club :D


Lol that's the same case for me! I like the plot I am reading but when I see the tag Time Travel, "Uhhh...not my type" lol but I decide to give it a chance! Thanks to this club :D

After 3 years of watching Asian dramas, I can finally conclude that, for myself, almost anything that I previously thought was "not my type" is just, in reality, "not something I'm in the mood to try right now"!! :D

Still have "Darkness" from Ever Night on repeat but I am finally making progress at actually watching the show as well ;)  I'm so happy to have people to gush to about how much I love these shows cause NO ONE in my family or circle of friends understands me falling down this rabbit hole in the slightest!

True! I always had this thinking that historical dramas are not my type but now I am adding more and more of historical dramas to my PTW lol xD